June Monthly Overview
Friday 9th June
Friday 9th June
Choose your brief and upload.
Find a regional magazine of your choice and analysis successful features and conventions, discussing why this may have happened - include theorist.
My first task is to annotate my first regional magazine.
This initial task enable me to look deeper into regional magazines which I haven't done so before.
The techniques used differ from each genre of magazine in particular with regional magazines.
This is because like every magazine they have a target audience but with a regional magazine that audience tends to be more niche and specialised specifically for the area. This magazine would include relevant information that would attract that audience and mean something rather than a more generic magazine that discuss more national/international topics.
Tuesday 13th June
Create a weekly lesson plan
Research 'Audience Theory' to develop understanding and help deconstruct further magazines.
Create a weekly lesson plan
Research 'Audience Theory' to develop understanding and help deconstruct further magazines.
I have created and uploaded my weekly plan for the dates 12-30th June. The reason for creating this plan is to ensue my timetabled lessons are used to their full potential as well as finding time outside of lessons to complete extra work.
I began to research about Audience theory which I will later on create a presentation on, however my next priority is to complete my deconstructions for regional magazine covers.
Friday 16th June
Complete a second deconstruction on another regional magazine.
Begin to analysis final magazine cover.
I successfully completed a second deconstruction of a regional magazine (Dorset), this magazine focusing on the Winter season. Whilst finding covers to deconstruct a common focus for many regional magazines were seasons.
I also started my final magazine deconstruction (Surrey) whose cover was very simplistic and used little information to indicate to its readers what this edition was about.
Monday 19th June
Complete final magazine cover deconstruction
Reflect on this deconstruction task
I have completed my final magazine deconstruction and uploaded all of them.
This deconstruction task developed my understanding on regional magazine whilst expanding my knowledge on different styles/types of regional magazines.
Not all regional magazine focus on the scenery and look of the area, some magazines such as Suffolk (one of the magazines I chose to analyse) is based around fashion/design and beauty in the area.
Furthermore, I am now ahead of schedule (on my weekly planner) as I have completed my first website deconstruction. Being ahead of schedule ensures that all work is completed on time and at a good standard. It also allows for more in-depth analysis.
Tuesday 20th June
Create and begin to hand out a questionnaire
Begin to deconstruct first regional website.
Due to already having completed my first regional magazine, I have started to deconstruct my second regional website.
I have also started to distribute my questionnaire in order to gain feedback on information about regional magazines and aspects of a website. This information I will then collect together and analyse which would then contribute to my decisions when creating my own magazine and website. Some responses have already been given back to me so I can begin to collect all the data together - although I will not analyse until all questionnaires are completed as my results may change.
Wednesday 21st June
Original Aim(s):
Complete first website deconstruction (completed ahead of schedule)
New Aim:
Complete second website deconstruction.
I successfully completed my second regional website deconstruction and noticed similar as well as different conventions used compared to the previous deconstruction such as the orientation of the page and colour scheme.
I also received a few of my questionnaire responses back and once I have received the rest I can begin to analyse the results.
Thursday 22nd June
Analyse questionnaire responses creating charts/graphs to showcase the results.
Begin final website deconstruction
My original planned task was to complete second webpage deconstruction. However, due to the responses to my questionnaire being handed back earlier than planned, I completed an analysis for the responses instead.
My original planned task was to complete second webpage deconstruction. However, due to the responses to my questionnaire being handed back earlier than planned, I completed an analysis for the responses instead.
I successfully analysed my responses to my first questionnaire. Some responses were similar which is useful to know and acknowledge what my potential audience would want to see in a regional magazine. The main age group to complete my questionnaire were between 17-20 as this is the age category who I am wanting to initially be my primary audience.
I have also completed my first billboard deconstruction
I have also completed my first billboard deconstruction
Friday 23rd June
Complete second billboard deconstruction.
I deliberately left the analysis of both double page spreads and contents page until I had completed the front cover, billboard and website because they were three features which I felt were key and should prioritise.
I successfully completed all three deconstructions which has helped developed my knowledge on what features I would want to include in my own magazine and those which I wouldn't.
I successfully completed all of my deconstructions for the magazine. I found a few similarities between magazines and how the produce their double page spreads for example the alignment of text against images. I found this research helpful towards building ideas for my own magazine.
Complete second billboard deconstruction.
I have successfully completed my second billboard deconstruction looking a displays of different genres i.e. fashion/beauty.
Monday 26th June
Complete final billboard deconstruction.
Reflect on the process of deconstructing and how this have developed and improved my understanding.
I have completed and uploaded my deconstructions of billboards. This was a good learning experience for me as I have never looked at billboards in detail before. It has given me a better understanding of the conventions of billboards as well as the style of which I would like to create mine.
I have successfully completed all of the work planned for June ahead of schedule and deadlines.
Tuesday 27th June
Begin and complete three magazine contents page deconstructions.I deliberately left the analysis of both double page spreads and contents page until I had completed the front cover, billboard and website because they were three features which I felt were key and should prioritise.
I successfully completed all three deconstructions which has helped developed my knowledge on what features I would want to include in my own magazine and those which I wouldn't.
Wednesday 28th June
Begin and complete final deconstructions of three magazine double page spreads.I successfully completed all of my deconstructions for the magazine. I found a few similarities between magazines and how the produce their double page spreads for example the alignment of text against images. I found this research helpful towards building ideas for my own magazine.